Building a Strong Community

The SCLC ACS way.

Doable. Experiential. Immersive, Relatable,

Bridging Generations and Cultures

black smartphone near person
black smartphone near person
First of all

About Us

Discover the passion and roadmap behind SCLC ACS, the first UAE based sociocultural lifestyle humanities and recreatives consultancy and studies company. Driven by passion, SCLC is a project and concept five years in the making based on a real need in our fast paced society. We aim to bridge across generations and cultures, answering modern society's need for human connections while reviving and centering on societal characteristics, values, and moral commitments as foundations.

Not to mention

Our Services

SCLC is the first and only company in the UAE primarily geared towards bridging generations and cultures to build a strong community.

With our team and resources, we work on reviving and centering  positive societal characteristics and lifestyle values in one's daily practices and consciousness.

We do this by mindfully integrating these with our practical informative learning content and services such as trainings and presentations which vary in range of topics and delivery styles from lectures, forums, modules and experiential socio-cultural centered exhibits, performances, roadshows and other activities.

Our audiences are intuitive, diverse and wide across the community and interests. You would know that you're definitely one who'd partner with us too.

Whether you are seeking insightful socio-culturally integrated work presentations, educational or practical training sessions, expert consultancy services, or engaging recreational activities, we have you covered. Our team of professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and ensuring that each client's unique needs are met. Join us on a journey of discovery as we bridge the gap between diverse communities and foster understanding and collaboration.

people sitting on chair in front of table
people sitting on chair in front of table
And let's not forget

Our Approach

At SCLC ACS, we believe in the importance of preserving and reviving societal characteristics, values, and moral commitments. Our approach focuses on building a strong community that embraces these foundations while catering to the modern society's need for human connections. We are direct, relatable, and experiential in our activities, concepts and presentations .

From lectures, forums, modules and experiential socio-cultural centered exhibits, performances, roadshows and other activities, We know Our audiences and partners are intuitive, diverse and wide across the community and interests.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime


SCLC ACS is a unique consultancy and research company, the first of its kind based in the UAE. Our primary focus is on the niche market response in the fields of sociocultural lifestyle humanities and recreatives. We strive to integrate societal characteristics and values into everything we do, from our content to our services and products.

At SCLC, we are passionate about meeting the modern society's need for human connections. We believe in reviving and emphasizing societal characteristics, values, and moral commitments as the foundations for a fulfilling and meaningful life. Whether through our consultancy services or our studies, we are dedicated to helping individuals and organizations navigate and thrive in today's complex society.

Building Bridges, Connecting Cultures with SCLC, ACS.

Your one stop integrated Sociocultural and Lifestyle Values Consultancy Partner.

Contact Us