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Class boils down to how you treat other people, and how you respond in situations when you think no one's looking.

It's been said a million times before, and I'll say it again: Money can't buy class. No matter who you're wearing, or how Real Living-worthy your designer apartment is, being a classy woman truly boils down to how you treat other people, and how you respond in situations when you think no one's looking. Curious if you pass the test? Here are ways to determine if your classiness will stand the test of time (and bad service): You 'gossip' with sensitivity. It's never good to be tsismosa, but as an FN reader once pointed out before, gossip is unavoidable. We're all social beings who enjoy hearing interesting stories, especially when it happens to someone close to us or when the news affects us directly. But as always, there is a line. Are you putting anyone at risk by opening your mouth? Is your info fact-checked? Could you ruin relationships or reputations by sharing the news? If you don't know where the line needs to be drawn, just think about this: If it happened to you, would you be okay if other people knew? You know when and how to practice restraint. Knowing how to hold back is important not just when you're angry, but also when you're excited. A truly classy woman always takes a moment to analyze a situation before she responds, be it to the complaint of an angry customer or a flirty text from a new guy. You don't impose on someone. When you're a guest at someone's house, you graciously accept what they offer or politely decline when it's not your cup of tea. But you don't open their cupboards, go to their rooms, and go through their closets without asking for permission first. The same principle applies when someone gives you a ride. Don't leave your trash in their car, and say thank you after they drop you off. And you know when to give someone space. Social media may have us thinking that it's okay to be all up in one another's business, but people are entitled to their privacy and personal space. Learn to respect boundaries, but make yourself available when needed. You respect other people's time. It's one thing to get caught in a bit of traffic, but nowadays, it's expected for you to include a buffer in your schedule. Proper planning is an adult skill that doesn't just help you, but those around you, too. Always be considerate of other people's itineraries, and always communicate clearly when you need to adjust a meeting time or if you can't make an appointment altogether. You treat everyone equally. From your company's CEO to the receptionist you just met five minutes ago, you make an effort to shake their hands, look them in the eye, and remember their names. No one deserves to be treated better than the other. You spend your money on things that matter. You don't just throw around your hard-earned money on useless things. Sure, it's okay to splurge on indulgences from time to time, but more often than not, you're mindful of how you budget your money because you know what it's like to be without it. You appreciate life's comforts but also don't turn a blind eye to what's happening outside your bubble. At the end of the day, being classy is simply paying it forward, the only thing that changes is how. All Credit To Original Post and Writer: Ysabel Y. Yuzon|OCT 24, 2018 HTTPS://WWW.FEMALENETWORK.COM/

All Credit To Original Post and Writer: Ysabel Y. Yuzon|OCT 24, 2018 HTTPS://WWW.FEMALENETWORK.COM/

7/10/20231 min read